To complement the BOS Foundations wildlife conservation activities at Samboja Lestari, a new solar system now produces clean solar energy that will power the centre for years to come as well as contribute to the global shift towards renewable energy.
In a bid to boost its contribution in the fight against climate change, the East Kalimantan Orangutan Reintroduction Program at Samboja Lestari, is making the move to renewable energy. The site is home to over 100 orangutans and 70 sun bears, as well as an ecolodge, guest education facilities, and the head offices for all BOS Foundation rescue, release, and restoration activities in East Kalimantan.
With the financial support provided by institutional funding from BOS Switzerland, the BOS Foundation, together with its implementation partners, BOS Switzerland and BOS Australia, has installed a 306-panel solar array alongside the access road to the Samboja Lodge, next to the centre’s veterinary clinic.
The new array of photovoltaic panels converts sunlight directly into electricity, producing on average 270 kWh of energy a month, enough energy to power almost the entire centre. It also represents significant savings for the BOS Foundation by reducing needed energy expenditures.