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Today is Indonesian National Nature Conservation Day (Hari Konservasi Alam Nasional or HKAN), a day to commemorate and to raise awareness about the importance of protecting and preserving nature and life on Earth.

The BOS Foundation, in addition to focusing on the rehabilitation and release of orangutans, has tree-planting programs within the Mawas program in Central Kalimantan and at Samboja Lestari in East Kalimantan. The aim of these programs is to ensure the existence of ecologically sound and secure forests for orangutans to thrive in. This is just as vital as meeting the physical and psychological needs of the rehabilitated orangutans in our care because without secure forest homes, the orangutan would become extinct.

Just as humans need a home and the feeling of security, efforts to protect orangutans must focus on the conservation of their habitat.

Tree Planting

The forests we care for are irreplaceable, so we are working to ensure that these forests are conserved as homes for orangutans for generations to come. This is for the future of wild orangutans and the hundreds of orangutans in our rehabilitation centres who are still waiting for the opportunity to be released back into their forest homes. Once forests are healthy enough to support orangutans, they also provide ecosystem services to humans, such as clean air and balanced hydrology. Thus, humans and wild animals will both benefit from the planting of more trees.

We are beginning to prepare fire-affected land for our tree-planting endeavours. We need funds to help us plant both fruit and nesting trees for orangutans in Mawas and Samboja Lestari, to restore the biodiversity of Borneo’s rainforests - the lungs of the world. You can help us secure a future home for orangutans by making a donation. The small actions we take today can have a big impact tomorrow!

We hope this program will kick off long-term tree-planting efforts, to help preserve forests for orangutans and provide a stable, sustainable habitat. The BOS Foundation is embracing the spirit of HKAN – join us!

Happy National Nature Conservation Day!

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